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Tuwteyatan De Sāqaṭrey Book of Folk Tales from Socotra

  • Reading time:2 mins read

“Tuwteyatan De Sāqaṭrey” or “Folk Tales from Socotra” is the culmination of an extensive, two-year endeavor undertaken by a dedicated group of researchers and enthusiasts committed to safeguarding Socotra’s distinctive folklore. This project, generously supported by the German Goethe Institute and the Yemeni Cultural Networks Project, involved the meticulous documentation of fifteen tales from the authentic Socotri language.

These tales were originally captured in their native tongue and subsequently translated into Arabic and English. Furthermore, they have been meticulously transcribed into Socotri using specially developed symbols. These comprehensive efforts will yield an invaluable resource, empowering researchers, scholars, and folklore enthusiasts to conduct thorough and nuanced explorations in the field.

This book is a significant contribution, aiming to protect the Socotri language, preserve its linguistic legacy, and emphasize the importance of preserving this culturally rich heritage. To delve into the richness of these tales, kindly access the book through the following link:

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